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The Grateful Dogg subscribes to only positive reinforcement methods. Please keep in mind that "positive" does not mean "permissive". We use only scientifically validated methods that are proven to work in almost in any situation.  We are continually learning and applying innovative techniques. We strive to make training fun and positive. We will always treat you and your dog with compassion and respect. 

Dog Walking:

Does your dog pull on the leash? Are walks becoming a hassle?  We can help by providing dog-walking services along with loose leash training. The length of the program varies in each case and will depend on how much exercise and practice you do in between sessions. I do not use prong, choke or electronic collars. I may use tools such as an Easy Walk harness, treats, and/or toys. This program is not for "reactive" dogs but rather those with energy who like to pull. 

Thirty minute evaluation - $25

Thirty minute sessions - $25

*Once training is complete you will be required to come on one walk for observation/instruction before moving your dog to the regular walking program. 


Does your dog walk nicely on a leash and they just need exercise?  We can help with that too! We can do a quick walk around the block all the way up to an hour hike at the park.

*We reserve the right to put your dog in the loose leash walking program if we feel they are lacking in loose leash walking skills.*


Quick walk around the block (15 minutes) - $10

Energy burner (30 minutes) - $15

Sleepy Puppy (1 hour) - $25 (plus fee for any park/swim)


Private Training:

We offer private training in your home or in area locations.  Just some of the things we an work on:

- basic puppy skills

- manners (jumping, nipping, recalls, loose leash walking)

- confidence building

- Canine Good Citizen

Pricing varies on a case-by-case basis. We require a 30-45 minute evaluation before starting any training program.

Evaluation fee - $45

*We offer discounts for newly rescued dogs or dogs in shelter/rescue programs.


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